Works that use static and dynamic data sets as primary material.

Trumpet of the Swan, 2016—ongoing. Custom-built autonomous drawing-robot writes in cursive script every tweet sent through the account @realdonaldtrump.

Trumpet_of_the_Swan_1 from Karen ann Donnachie on Vimeo.

Trumpet of the Swan, 2016—ongoing. Custom-built autonomous drawing-robot, electronic components, feather, Sharpie™. In collaboration with Andy Simionato & Donald Trump.

The Latent Image. Custom code scrapes the Instagram™ image platform in real time for photos tagged #selfie and retrieves the colour value for the skin tone in found faces.

The Latent Image (installation) John Curtin Gallery, 2015. Projected coloured light of facial skin-tone data gathered in real-time from global #selfie images posted on Instagram.

Only the Good/Bad News, An emotional News mapping service that reads the incoming feeds of syndicated news and re-publishes as `Good` or `Bad` news, printing to thermal printers, longitudinal data visualisation and custom web

Only The Good, installation. Kunstverein Neuhausen (solo show), Stuttgart, 2011. OTG algorithm sorts real-time international news feeds into "Good" or "Bad" news. With Andy Simionato and Antonio Riello